• Reminders


See the NEA's FAQs and Information for Applicants and Grantees in response to COVID-19.

For the rules, regulations, and policies on how to manage and administer a grant or cooperative agreement (awards), including forms and guidance, see the NEA's website at www.arts.gov/grants/manage-your-award.

- Log into REACH and you will see a tab for "Panels.”

- Applications recommended for funding are listed under OFFERS.
- Access to OFFERS will be turned OFF in REACH while documents are undergoing review by the Office of Grants Management.
- You may receive an email notification from REACH if additional information is needed during that review.

- Active grants and cooperative agreements are under AWARDS.
- You will be notified by email when a new award is issued and REACH access is restored.

Need help with REACH? Click on the HELP Tab for FAQs.

If you need to add or change a staff member:
- For Offers, use the Project Budget Form.
- For Awards, go to the Change Requests Tab for that award.

Email alert: Due to restrictions from the Department of Homeland Security, we are not able to send emails to alias addresses that forward to another email account. Please do not enter this type of email address.

Welcome to the National Endowment for the Arts' REACH.

This NEA site is for grantees, cooperators, offerees, and panelists.

Beginning January 31, 2023, you will access REACH using Login.govScroll down and select one of the three login.gov options to sign in.

Login.gov is a sign in service used by the public to securely access your information on federal government websites. Once you set up a Login.gov account, you can use the same user name and password to access multiple government websites, including REACH, SAM.gov, and Grants.gov.

NOTE:  You must use a unique-to-you email address for Login.gov. For example: jane.doe@email.com. This should not be an email account that is shared by multiple people.

***Login.gov accounts are specific to an individual and are not to be shared with others, even within the same organization.  Using another person's email address and password to access REACH through login.gov is strictly prohibited and may result in loss of access to REACH for the account holder.***

Personnel updates can be requested by those who already have REACH access. For open awards, go to the Change Requests tab for the award and select "A. We Need to Update People on this Award."

NEA's Login.gov REACH Instructions.

Already have a Login.gov account associated with your eGMS Reach primary email address?
Click below to sign in.
Have a Login.gov account associated with a different email address?
Click below to add your eGMS Reach Primary Email address to your Login.gov account, and then return to this page to sign in.
Don't have a Login.gov account?
Click below and follow the prompts. Be sure your Login.gov account uses your eGMS Reach Primary Email address and that it is unique to you.

"***WARNING*** ***WARNING*** ***WARNING***""***WARNING*** ***WARNING*** ***WARNING***"

You are accessing a U.S. Government information system. If you are not authorized to access this system, disconnect now.  Using another person’s email address and password to access REACH is strictly prohibited.  In order to protect this system from unauthorized use, all activities are subject to monitoring, recording, and audit. Unauthorized or improper use of this system may result in disciplinary action, as well as civil and criminal penalties. By using this information system, you understand and consent to the following: You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communications or information transiting, stored on, or traveling to or from this information system. At any time, the government may for any lawful government purpose monitor, intercept, search, and seize any communication or information transiting, stored on, or traveling to or from this information system. Any communications or information transiting, stored on, or traveling to or from this information system may be disclosed or used for any lawful government purpose.

"***WARNING*** ***WARNING*** ***WARNING***""***WARNING*** ***WARNING*** ***WARNING***"


See the NEA's FAQs and Information for Applicants and Grantees in response to COVID-19.

For the rules, regulations, and policies on how to manage and administer a grant or cooperative agreement (awards), including forms and guidance, see the NEA's website at www.arts.gov/grants/manage-your-award.

- Log into REACH and you will see a tab for "Panels.”

- Applications recommended for funding are listed under OFFERS.
- Access to OFFERS will be turned OFF in REACH while documents are undergoing review by the Office of Grants Management.
- You may receive an email notification from REACH if additional information is needed during that review.

- Active grants and cooperative agreements are under AWARDS.
- You will be notified by email when a new award is issued and REACH access is restored.

Need help with REACH? Click on the HELP Tab for FAQs.

If you need to add or change a staff member:
- For Offers, use the Project Budget Form.
- For Awards, go to the Change Requests Tab for that award.

Email alert: Due to restrictions from the Department of Homeland Security, we are not able to send emails to alias addresses that forward to another email account. Please do not enter this type of email address.

eGMS Reach running for NEA